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Classic Pumps Secure Order Form

To place an order, please complete the following form and click on the Send to Classic Pumps button at the bottom of the form. SecurityMetrics Credit Card Safe Your information will be emailed to us. We will contact you before we fulfill your order.

This process allows us to provide you with personal service and attention.

Tell us about you
*First Name: A value is required.
*Last Name: A value is required.
*Address: A value is required.
Address 2:
Apt, Suite, or Floor:
*City: A value is required.
*State / Province: A value is required.
*Zip / Postal Code: A value is required.
*Country: A value is required.
*Home Phone: A value is required.
Work Phone:
*Email Address: A value is required.Invalid format.

How did you find us?
Select an option:

Ordering Information
Credit Card or PayPal Payment
 Please make a selection.

  Please make a selection. (See Instructions)
Credit Card Number:
      Invalid format.
Credit Card Expiration Date:
Credit Card Verification Number (On the back of your card - 3 digits):

Billing Information
Is billing address same as shipping?
 Please make a selection.
If not, please provide shipping address below
Address 2:
Apartment or Suite Number:
State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:
Shipping address is:

Your Order Information
What you're ordering:
Order Details:

When placing a shoes or handbag order, please tell us exactly what you are looking for - style, (shoe name), color, and size. If possible, specify a second or alternate choice in case your first choice is unavailable.

If ordering a gift certificate, specify the amount and tell us who the intended recipient is.

NOTE — UPS ground shipping cost for 1 or 2 pair of shoes is $18.00. Each additional pair is 3.00 shipping cost.